Our Faith:


Our Faith is Islam.  Like many English words, the word Islam in Arabic has several classical meanings.  The Arabic word Islam means "submission" and derives from a word meaning "peace."   Islam means submission to the will of God and obedience to His commandments.  The cornerstone of Islam is monotheism, the belief in the God that created and manages all the universe.  Muslim's believe that God (Allah) is incomparable to anything created.  Muslims believe the purpose of existence is to serve God.  Since "Islam" means peace and submission to the one God and creator, Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of the primordial faith revealed to prophets Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.


 Islam is built on five major principles or pillars:  1) Shahadah declaring that there is no God except God and that Muhammad id God's Messenger 2) Salaat  Prayer five times a day 3)  Zakat  Giving to the poor, 4) Sawm fasting and controlling one's desires in the month of Ramadan and 5) Hajj  making a pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in a life time if one can afford it.

Islam is the faith of 1.6 billion people in the world, or 23% of the world's population, making Islam the world's second-largest religious tradition after Christianity, according to the December 2012 Global Religious Landscape report from the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life.  Many associate Islam with countries in the Middle East or North Africa, but nearly 62% of the Muslims (985,530.000) live in the Asia-Pacific region.  Three hundred forty-four million Muslims live in India and Pakistan